British Hotchkiss Society
Latest news and stories from the British Hotchkiss Society
Dates for your diary 2024/25
Autumn Closer. 8th October. Oxfordshire.
AGM 16 March 2025
Spring Opener 24 April 2025.
Colin Broucke has his 1929 AM2 Monaco for sale. For further information, please contact Colin at​
August Pub Meet, 18 August 2024
David and Erica have done it again – arranged lovely summer weather for our get-together! A record number of members and friends (31) met during the morning at The Bull in Stanford Dingley and did plenty of catching up while having coffee and biscuits. We were very pleased to see some of our new members and mention must be made of Rod Renfrew and his wife who had travelled all the way from Lincolnshire in their 1936 680 Cabourg while overcoming many road closures and diversions. After a tasty lunch we all made the short journey to Two Hoots to partake of tea and delicious cakes and crumbles in the garden.
All too soon it was time to say our farewells, but once again our thanks must go to David and Erica for making it such a special day.
32nd AGM - 17th March
Once again 31 members met at Old Boars Hill for our AGM, and we were pleased to welcome new members Stuart & Candy King, Tim Manners-Smith and Jennifer & Neil Stothert. As usual, ‘Ilary’s Atch’ provided coffee on arrival and there was plenty of time to catch up with old friends before the meeting commenced at 11.15 am. During the meeting, among other agenda items, Stuart King was elected as a new committee member and details of our events for the year were announced. Before the meeting closed, awards were presented to Tony Curtis (the Dougal Trophy), Clive Hamilton Gould (Tom Roberts Memorial Trophy) and Christopher Balfour (the Adrian Trophy).
Following the meeting, a delicious lunch was served thanks to the hard work of Toddy Hamilton Gould, ably assisted by Hilary Ledger and ladies who provided desserts. A successful raffle raised £220 and then Michael Edwards showed a video of all the events held in the previous year. It was soon time to say goodbye. Our thanks go to Michael and John for allowing us to meet at their home and to Toddy for dealing with the catering.
Who fancies a new project?
For Sale: A 1934 Hotchkiss 617. Click here for more details.
The Autumn Closer 3rd October
Warm sunshine greeted some 30 members and friends on arrival at the picturesque Oaksey Park Golf Club near Kemble - Click here for past Events and more details
BHS Shop
The BHS Shop now has its own tab on the website. A list of examples that are available (with photographs) and a price list are included. Any purchase will help to raise funds for the Club.
Does every member have a picture of their Hotchkiss on the website? Probably not. Let's see your cars. We need more content. Please send a picture of your car and the cars model to Pam, and we will have a gallery page off showcasing all these beautiful vehicles.
Pictures taken in Landscape is preferred please. Thank you.
For Sale
The website now has 'Spares' and 'For Sale/Wanted' tabs in the members' section. If you wish something to be added to either of these tabs, please contact Pam.
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